Overweight and Obesity: Causes, Symptoms and Management

Overweight, also referred to as over heaviness, can be applied to people who weight of 10 to 20 % above the appropriate body weight. Obesity, on the other hand, is a medical condition specified as having a body weight that is above 20% of the normal body weight. It is characterized by excessive amount of body fat which often leads to a substantial impairment of one’s health and a reduced life expectancy.



There are certainly lots of factors that trigger obesity. Faulty eating habits like regularly taking bedtime snacks, overeating and irregular meal time are among the most commonly known causes of obesity. Having a sedentary or inactive lifestyle also causes obesity. 

Obesity may also be due to some underlying health problems like endocrinal disorder, hypothyroidism, Cushing's syndrome and growth hormone deficiency. It can also be the result of certain medication.


A person may be considered overweight if he has a body mass which is 10% above the ideal body weight. Body fat percentage is above 15% for males and above 25% for females. 

On the other hand, people who are 20% heavier than the ideal body weight can be considered as obese. Body fat percentage for obesity would be more than 20% for males and more than 30% for females.

Beneficial Dietary Management

A large percentage of obesity cases are dietary in nature and are primarily caused by the kind of diet routine a person has. One of the most effective ways of steering away from obesity is by modifying your diet.


You can be able to manage your weight problems simply by using a two-steamed program which includes a healthy dietary management, and behavioral modifications. If you are into reducing your body weight, you must take a diet which includes low fat, low calorie and high complex carbohydrates foods. You must also take daily food allowances in 3 regular meals with breakfast as the heaviest and supper as the lightest. 

If in case you need to skip a meal, never omit breakfast. You may skip lunch or dinner instead. You must also allow a five-hour interval in between meals and at least 3 hours before going to bed. Always remember not to take snacks right before bedtime. Taking snacks before bedtime is certainly a major infringement for people working on reducing weight.

Have some modifications in your lifestyle. Do some physical exercises regularly. You may also try some sports like swimming, biking, mountain climbing and tennis. These particular sports are not just enjoyable but are good physical exercise as well.

You must also take enough amount of fluid regularly. Consume as much as 6 to 8 glasses of water every day. Drinking water between meals is also highly recommended.

In order to achieve your desired body mass, you must be determined in losing weight. Be as disciplined as possible. However, you must lose weight gradually yet consistently right up till you reach your ideal weight. You should always remember that you did not grow that big overnight. Remember that you need to lose weight without having to risk your health. Up to 2 pounds weight loss per week is desirable.

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Disclaimer: I do not own the right for all the images used in this post. Credit goes to the owner.


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